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Interpretation of intelligent robots in the agro-ecological industry

At present, intelligent robots have entered a period of rapid development and play a very important role in all walks of life, realizing economic and social value for human beings. As the famous Chinese scholar Zhou Haizhong predicted in his classic article “On Robots” published in 1990: “With the advancement of science and technology, especially the development of artificial intelligence and robotics, the era of intelligent robots is coming; intelligent robots will be used in all walks of life. The industry has shown its talents and promoted the changes in our work and life.” From the perspective of the current agriculture, his prediction has become a reality.Intelligent robot is a multidisciplinary science, involving artificial intelligence, mechanical engineering, control science, computer, electronics, materials and other fields. It has various internal information sensors and external information sensors, such as vision, hearing, touch, smell and so on. In addition to having receptors, it has effectors as a means of acting on its surroundings. With the needs of social development and the expansion of robot application fields, people’s requirements for intelligent robots are getting higher and higher. At present, agriculture is in a period of rapid development, and there is a lot of room for development; the United States, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan, and South Korea have vigorously developed agricultural intelligent robot technology to continuously improve their agricultural technology.An intelligent robot must have at least three elements: a feeling element, a reaction element and a thinking element. At present, the three core technologies of artificial intelligence, perception technology, cognitive technology, and behavior control technology are the main technologies for the development of intelligent robots. At the perception level, it mainly involves language recognition and physical identification; at the cognitive level, it mainly involves semantic understanding, emotional analysis, and multimodal interaction at the decision-making level; at the execution level, it mainly involves gait control, gait recognition, and interaction. In recent years, with the continuous development of intelligent technology, intelligent robots have brought the overall development level of agriculture to an unprecedented level. It can be said that the development of agricultural intelligent robot technology is the general trend.For example, the application of intelligent robotics to agricultural production. The report shows that as of March 31, 2022, the company has put more than 60,000 agricultural intelligent robots into fields in 42 countries and regions around the world, serving more than 9.31 million farmers and 780 million mu of farmland. This greatly reduces the labor burden of farmers, and allows people to manage farmland in a smarter, more efficient, easier and simpler way and increase their income. In addition, the company uses agricultural intelligent robots to help farmers reduce the use of 45,363 tons of pesticides and fertilizers in the process of grain production, alleviating problems such as soil pollution and pesticide residues in agricultural products.


Another example is the agricultural intelligent robot developed by my country Jimu Robot Technology Co., Ltd., which can intelligently breed, emasculate crops, monitor pests and diseases, and conduct agricultural power inspections. Relevant information shows that the current market space for corn emasculation testing is expected to reach more than 2.5 billion yuan, and the cost of corn emasculation occupies the second place in the expenditure of corn seed industry companies. The intelligent robot of Jimu Technology Co., Ltd. uses vision technology to solve the problem of weak signals of vehicles in the field, autonomously removes impurities and weak plants, and accurately emasculates through image recognition of the robotic arm, which can save a lot of labor costs and improve agricultural production efficiency by 20% above.In order to improve production efficiency, intelligent robots are empowering the agricultural field. It presents many advantages such as unmanned, automated, intelligent, and efficient, which has attracted the attention of the public, and at the same time has shown obvious advantages and development potential to the society. Although the global new crown epidemic has not yet subsided, intelligent robots have already shown strong vitality in agriculture. For the economy and society, the development of agricultural intelligent robots is not a multiple-choice question, but a must-answer question. In the future, agricultural intelligent robots must be the main development direction.The application of agricultural intelligent robots can not only greatly reduce or even replace people’s production labor and solve the problem of labor shortage, but also improve labor productivity, improve agricultural production environment, prevent pesticides and fertilizers from harming the human body, and improve the quality of work. At present, the research and development of agricultural intelligent robots mainly focus on farming, fertilization, spraying, vegetable grafting, seedling transplanting, harvesting, irrigation, breeding and various auxiliary operations. Japan is the country with the most widespread use of intelligent robots. Today, more than 10,000 intelligent robots have been used in the agricultural field, and an unmanned agricultural ecosystem will be built.In the next three to five years, the important technology to promote agricultural reform is intelligent robots, which can quickly create value, solve repetitive labor, and make up for the loss of rural labor. Robot technology will bring about a new technological revolution and affect China’s primary industry. It will be possible to realize the process of farming by robots. Once the farming process is completed by robots, the issue of food security is no longer the core issue, as it can level the differences in farming and ultimately lead to food freedom.To sum up, intelligent robots have shown their talents in the agricultural field, but their current intelligence level is not high, and it can only be said that they are in the primary stage of intelligence. However, with the advancement of science and technology, especially the development of artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things, etc., the intelligence level of intelligent robots will continue to improve. There is no doubt that intelligent robots will become an important technical force to promote agricultural reform, injecting a steady stream of new kinetic energy into the sustainable development of the economy and society.

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